The Best In the Universe: Unveiling the Big Dirty Secret


I realize that most people would prefer me to simply not open my mouth nor my mind to that which should not be. Realizing this, however, only strengthens my resolve to do so. It’s an old adage that when you need something most is when others are trying to take it from you. In this case, I feel others would silence me if not for their basic humanity, a humanity which I realize I am taking advantage of. I am glad there is this competition to be the nicest person with the most friends and the most money and success in life because it allows me to introduce my grains of truth into the collective consciousness of my fellow human beings without much fear of physical retaliation. Though, judging by the many amounts of criticism I receive for saying what I say, I notice that much of it has nothing to do with my words, but rather a few choice ideas I have that challenge their beliefs. This brings me great concern because in my life, when I have been victim of violence or even observed violence, it arose from ignorance and frustration on the offenders part by not being able to put more than a few words together to have an argument in a civilized manner. Lashing out in a childish rage towards he or she who said something so offensive, so perverse, so naughty that they just had to physically harm them. For myself, I myself will not take physical confrontation lightly, though I am the first to turn the other cheek, I also will not hesitate in defending myself, but for me, it is a thousand times more satisfying to have a black eye and a smart ass smile on my face than it is to lower myself to physical violence. This is merely on a personal level however, the far greater threat is that this violence also manifest in the halls of government and big business. Ignoring this fact will lead to the demise of our species, I know I am beginning sound like a know-it-all, however, I am convinced that no one can sway my opinion on these issues without first holding me and my entire family hostage.


This article is about taking off the proverbial gloves and getting you to think about me what you should be thinking about yourself. You might think, “this guys full of it!” but am I really? Or am I saying what you’ve wanted to say your whole life but simply could not muster the courage to do so? When you do finally break out of that trance and have the trained eyes of fear all around you staring back at you with confused anger and hatred  let me know how you feel then and let me know if you think it’s me who’s full of it or all of those confused dumbfounded dip-shits who would have you hanged if only they could get away with it.


“You’re just a nut-job conspiracy theorist, no one will listen to you!” Obviously no one will, since you haven’t and you obviously don’t care because you had to tell me how crazy I am right? This very thought has ran across my mind so many times I cannot even begin to imagine the number. However, striking a nerve with you is the least of my concerns, yet paramount in solving the worlds problems. What’s with that fear anyways, are you afraid that perhaps not all is well in the world? Are you worried that your little delusions could come crumbling down all around you? Don’t be afraid my friend, for now you will see what others can not see. This world, built on the backs of bruised and bloodied corpses, lies, and money will not deceive you any longer. That pain you feel is merely fear leaving your body and mind. All of your sins will only make you stronger as you transcend the walls that you have built around you to protect you from this old rocks mean and twisted ways. Now you will know the bliss that lives here. Now you will know the harmony that exist when you don’t have to ask permission for every little thing.  Now you will know what choice means, now you will know what freedom means, now and only now will you know what it means to be alive for no longer will you play the deer in headlights that bullies want you to be.


I ask you to rise, not for me, definitely not for anyone else, but for yourself and by yourself. Bathe in the glory that is your life and break free from any chains that bind you to suffering. Stop pushing it away my friend, stop dancing around the bush, and stop allowing the violence around you by simply not involving yourself in it. Do not walk away from the fear, but face the damn thing in the hairy eye-ball and transcend it. Be what you were born to be, not an American, not a European, not an African, and certainly not a “citizen of the world”. But an ugly, bold-faced, defiant, strong, and passionate living entity with powers beyond their comprehension. You should feel a fire in your belly as you rise from the ashes of your former slave self. Only now will you understand what it means to love, have compassion, and wish well upon others around you.


You are not part of any collective, you are not a “citizen of the world” you are not bound to the boarders of your country. You are the single best human being in the universe. No one ever told you that because they were never told that. This FACT was hidden from you on purpose because of jealousy, anger, frustration, and fear. Any time it becomes self-evident to you, your training kicks in. Your ego tells you to sit back down, get back behind those walls, shut up, and keep your eyes down. You are told that you can find happiness in slavery, so just accept what all the monolithic organizations tell you to think. I am here to persuade you to otherwise. I am here to tell you that you, not me, or anyone else is the best in the world, nay, the universe. But I will also warn you that this does not grant you the ability to bring harm on others. This does only one thing for you and it’s an important thing. You will shine as a beacon of hope to those around you. Hope that humanity is more than grunts, blood, sweat, and tears. You will be the evidence that humanity is something much stronger than mere words on paper or belief. You are the eyes, ears, and voice of greatness. The big dirty secret in this world, is that people are good. Not only good, but the ultimate example of greatness in the Universe. Come all challengers to this idea and watch them fall one by one. Yes, I believe this and in you. Who am I for you to care? Someone who realized this before you did, push aside my arrogance and prove me wrong if you dare but be prepared for the depths and horror that is humanity chained to a concrete floor begging for death.

There are no laws that can hold you down nor any religion that can define you. Only ideas based in reality and self evident truth’s that you choose to live by. Being afraid to embrace this is a flaw you must transcend so allow me to indulge you to do just that. Let’s take this to the ultimate level of morality. I am telling you are free to do what ever you see fit with your life. The most common excuse I hear to not live in a world free of government or religion is “we can’t just let murderers run free!” Well, I have to laugh in the face of such an obscene suggestion because not only do we allow them to run amok, they are in charge. Not only are they in charge, but they realized what I’m trying to teach you long ago and are taking advantage of your ignorance and poisoning you with apathy. Not everyone is a murderer and most people realize that the only reason we can be friends with one another is that we want each other to be alive, we know that it is better to get along with each other because it benefits us to have support through hard times and to succeed professionally, in a family, or among friends. You do not need a law to make you realize this. The excuse that murderers would just get away with it and criminals would take over is very silly considering the amount of crime and murder that we are currently supposed to bow down to in the form of government and the church. This is a moral decision to stand up to these bullies and transcend the fear you have of letting go of their protection racket.

I’m going to ask you to do just a little research for yourself and look up the term “Democide”. It is a statistic which represents the amount of deaths caused directly or indirectly by governments around the world. After you see the numbers for yourself, please ask yourself why violence exist. Why does murder happen? Is it just a flaw in human nature? I believe it is a flaw but ultimately a flaw created by the idea that just a few people could rule over and “run” entire populations of people in imaginary boarders created by bankers, politicians, and mercenaries. Denying the conspiracy at this point to me is a waste of time. Many would have you believe that there is no such thing as a conspiracy at all, but I have to beg the question, if there is no such thing as a conspiracy then why has humanity chosen to define it’s meaning? Why is it that it is so difficult for many to accept the fact that people come together and plot out destruction and plans to dominate others. It’s called being greedy folks and it is not some mystical idea that you should fear. It is what enslaves humanity though. It is what keeps people in fear and in their little compartmentalized box. It is what makes straight people different from gay people, black people different from white people, Americans different from Mexicans, and so on and so forth. I hear talk about equality from so many people but these same people when then turn right around and claim some kind of moral high ground and the ability to use force on others who might not agree with them on certain issues. Many times, they won’t even do it themselves but would rather pay taxes and hire men with guns to lock people in a cage.

There is only one remedy for this situation that doesn’t lead to humanities extinction. It is the hope that many of you out there will in your billions of expressions and individual ways will realize who and what they are. If you decide you are just a hopeless murderer then by all rights, go join your brethren in the halls of government and big business. Go ahead and disappoint yourself and everyone around you by becoming everything wrong with the world. Go forth and die knowing you caused unspeakable pain, death, and suffering with all your good intentions. But if you realize you are above that please don’t hold back. Shine brighter than everyone else around you by being everything you are and more. Grow my friend into a Jedi Knight to inspire others around you to do the same. Join the many who see the worlds problems and want to solve those problems peacefully and without coercion. Humanity no longer needs to steal, kill, and torture itself to reach it’s goals. The only opposition to my idea is that of lies, violence, and more theft. Supporting the old, mean, and violent regimes of the past is no longer a valid opinion, but a tragic example of fear and brain washing. The choice is yours.

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